Ladybug has caught on to the fact that fun things happen when she brings me
the art book. When I first bought it home from the library on Saturday, she zeroed in on the drawings of paintbrushes and very specifically requested paint. I told her I would buy her paint and brushes. Today she brought me the book again, looked at me and said, "Mama gonna get you a paintbrush." She was mostly satisfied when I told her I had ordered the paint and it would get here tomorrow. But she still wanted a project for today. And why not?

Saturday we did a "sticky" project with glue, and I want to rotate through the chapters in this book (paint, dough, drawing, gluing, printmaking). Ladybug saw a drawing of measuring cups on one of the dough projects and told me she likes to mix. So I found a playdough recipe that I had the ingredients for (note to self: buy cornstarch), and we were off. She helped me tape down freezer paper to the kitchen floor, and I grabbed the measuring cups and spoons that live in her play kitchen.
"Stretchy Dough" is a very oily dough, which is kinda great because there's no goop sticking to your hands. You have to deal with being a little oily though. Ladybug helped mix, and then when it was time to knead, squished both hands in. But she didn't use her hands for long. Very quickly she was enamored with walking in the stretchy dough, getting her feet all oily and sliding around in it. Awesome sensory play. She gave me her highest form of approval: "Ladybug likes it!"
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